Thursday, June 23, 2011

Fiesta de Verano

It's summer!  Like, officially anyway.  Most of us have been sweating our balls off and dodging tornadoes for the better part of May and June, but now it's legit because solstice happened - complete with yuppie pagans clogging up Central Park to down dog en masse.  Namaste!

Today's appropriately summery entry has been provided by my dear cousin Miss Kelly Sanford, who is about to start studying at the University of British Columbia to be an architect. Big deal, right?!  I mean, architect is right up there with astronaut and Britney Spears as top three most difficult to achieve careers.  BRAVO!  Super proud.  Kelly sent some photos of a fresh and delicious Mexican meal she and her Belgian friend whipped up last summer (time flies when you're achieving greatness).


They made all the components of the tacos from scratch - including the tortillas. Who does that? Architects do that, because they do not fuck around.  

I spy two slap chops!

Also included was mango & corn salsa, which other then the eponymous mango included tomato, cilantro, garlic, onion, lime, frozen corn and salt & pepper.  Of course, no taco would be complete without freshly smashed guacamole, and reportedly, Kelly likes hers with garlic, lime, and salt. 

No word on if the slap chop(s) were involved. 

And finally, some photos of Linnea enjoying Kelly and her friends' meal.

 Rawr!  Get some. 

Monday, June 20, 2011

Bianca Marinara

Last Friday night Bianca invited me to her East Village apartment for dinner.  One of the perks of having a cousin at NYU is getting to breezily mention that I have dinner plans in the East Village - the poser in me has always wanted to say that.  I predict in a few months (...days? No, minutes) a strong urge to delete the previous sentence from the Internet Public Record.  The least favorite part of having a cousin in the East Village is five flights of extremely steep stairs.  In hindsight I should have carbo-loaded prior to dinner.  Carol and Sarah are visiting in July - if you are reading this ladies, I suggest you start training now.  

This chef is a bit camera shy. 

To be honest, other then a shot of garlic in a pan I didn't get too many action shots of B in the kitchen, with the exception of this one, where Bianca's friend Jesse bagged an assist in the browning of the ground beef.  They didn't know I took it, so no blurry shots of the chefs trying to dart out of shot.   Note I took this sitting on the living room couch, which was against the wall, and I'd say this photo accurately represents the distance at which I was sitting.  This apartment is NY small, but honestly really charming.  

Small kitchen, great meal. 

Like Bianca, Jesse is a native Northern Californian, which may explain why she just casually threw together a simple but perfect argula salad (on the coffee table, no less) dressed with lemon, olive oil, salt, and parmesan.  Could I do that at 23?  Doubt it.  

Edible Italian Flag

After dinner Bianca, her roommate Sunny, Jesse, and I went dancing on Ludlow Street in the Lower East Side.  I took this photo in the bathroom of the first bar we went to, Dark Room.  A perfect summary of my current, conflicted thoughts on romance. 

"Do not fall in love"  /  "Love is Possible"  

Update: I just noticed I didn't swear once in this blogpost.  Aww shit. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Concrete Jungles Etc.

I'm such a deadbeat blogger, sorry about that.  Since I last posted, I've completed dental school and moved to New York City, amongst about a million other things.  I'm approaching my two week milestone of arriving in New York, and only now it is setting in that I moved here.  I have an amazing (amazing, seriously) apartment with an equally amazing roommate.  I pretty much skipped that whole hazing/right of passage of living with a sketchball and having a kitchen shower.  I'm too old for that shit anyway.

My front yard (otherwise known as E 12th Street)

Cooking in NYC is going to take some adjustment.  One - I gave/threw away everything in my Denver fridge and pantry with the exception of a few spices I couldn't bare parting with - which includes some bay leaves from Farrow Ranch and a few things Carol brought back from India.  Two - grocery shopping here is...well, it's hard*, and the nearest markets are Whole Foods and Trader Joe's in Union Square.  WF is crazy but logistically (not financially) do-able.  Trader Joe's on the other hand...holy shit.  You do not fuck around at Trader Joe's Union Square.  You best have a game plan son, because that lolly-gagging/hemming-hawing bullshit does not fly at this store.  I've only been once, but it's the only time I've left a store and breathed a sigh of relief upon exiting.  There are a few other NYC locations, but for now, I think I'll stick to grazing in random stores I happen upon, like this awesome Italian market in the Chelsea Market.

* pain in the ladyballs

Olives olives everywhere

Tonight I hiked my skirt up and finally did some cooking (unless Annie's mac and frozen broccoli counts as cooking, which it absolutely does not).  My roommate Laura mentioned she had a beef tenderloin in the freezer she didn't know how to cook, so I offered to make dinner.  I salted the meat and let it sit on the counter to come to room temp, washed and dried and then seared the cuts in ol' Stauby.

Check it out - gas range!

Finished in the oven for 5 minutes (next time - 3 minutes.  Goddamnit).  Sliced and drizzled with a cilantro and jalapeno pesto ala Aunt Barb.  Side dishes included an edamame and radish salad (courtesy of the South Beach diet, embarrassingly enough) and quinoa.


So, quinoa.  Proper preparation of this ancient grain** has always seemed elusive, and coupled with it's highly touted nutritional reputation I've pretty much steered clear of it.  However, every time I have it I like it.  A lot.  I found this method of preparation in an quinoa recipe that I thought might solve that little water logging problem I've noticed when I've had quinoa before (and liked anyway, I might add).  Boil in salted water for 10 minutes, drain, and then steam for 10-15 minutes to achieve a light, fluffy texture that's perfect - not water logged and not dried out.  For flavor, I bastardized a Martha Stewart spicy lemon quinoa recipe (forgot to buy pine nuts and no peppercorns) by adding shaved parmesan and a handful of arugula.  I added everything else as directed (lemon zest, half a lemon, cayenne pepper, salt, and a glug of olive oil).  Now that I think about it, a review on Epicurious saying how much I loved the recipe but changed pretty much everything is in order.

**Food bloggers/health food marketers are not allowed to refer to quinoa without qualifying it as an "ancient grain."  I don't make the rules. 

Don't worry, I ate two chocolate chip cookies afterwards.

So, New York.  Loving it so far, even if grocery shopping is a pain in the ladyballs.  Until next time (hopefully not 6 months from now).  As always, sorry about the poor quality photography.  Besos!