Have you guys seen these yet? The first time I saw them in Safeway I laughed my ass off - thought the Catholic Church finally caved and decided to sell the Eucharist to pay some lawyers- not those puny ones you could easily get for free on Sunday, either. The BIG one, the one Father Whoever specifically blesses and gives a shard to those other Upstanding Citizens who do the readings and distribute communion and such.
I went with Original & Favorite, obviously.
My instinct was to laugh and walk away (which I did multiple times), but then Mike and I went camping with my friends Wes and Andrea. They are healthy eaters - packed Mahi Mahi and salads for a camping dinner that shamed my hastily packed hot dogs and potato chips (I'm new to camping - next time I'll get more creative). Boring story short - they had some in their camping cooler and told me they were good and I felt ashamed at my recent lack of healthful-eating. So, next trip to the store I picked a package up and made a tasty sandwich.
Blessed Diet Sandwich Bread
Looks promising...
Verdict? Eh. If you're watching your carbs (ha your diet is so 2001) and have a bold sandwich going, knock yerself out, you'll be satisfied. I made mine with tuna fish (light on the mayo, please) and it was pretty good. Personally, I would compare this Eucho-bread to a blank canvas - it's not getting in the way of flavor, but it's not adding a thing either. The texture isn't terrible, but it's not great - at least it didn't stick to the roof of my mouth like glue.
Still snarfed it down!
For the record, I actually purchased, made, and photographed this sandwich at least a month ago, but out of the six wafers, five are still in the fridge. Let me know if you want them.
* Apologies to those who are shocked by aforewritten blasphemy or near-blasphemy.